


Located east of the Philippines, off the coast of the Mariana Islands, lies the Mariana Trench which is believed to be the deepest point on planet earth. The Mariana Trench is almost 7 miles deep and over 1500 miles long. There has been several voyages into the trench and much has been discovered however, most is still unknown.

The expeditions through the depths of the Mariana Trench have proved that there is life that can survive in extreme underwater pressure and environments. Upon examination researchers noticed that many of these creatures produce a biological light known as bioluminescence. It is believed that these creatures use these ancient adaptations to hunt, scavenge, and attract mates. This is thought to be a result of the absence of light and extreme depths.

Anything submerged under these extreme depths experiences a lot of pressure. At a depth of 1000m an object experiences pressure of over 25,200 kPa (Kilopascals). This plays a part in why deep sea creatures appear to have alien-like features. It is also the largest challenge facing researchers and why submarines must be specially engineered.


Below the ocean’s surface is an alien world that consists of over 95% of Earth’s liveable space. Its thousands of meters deeper than Mount Everest is high and supports an ancient ecosystem that very little is known about. Every year scientists discover dozens of new species of deep sea creatures that inhabit our planet. The surface of mars is better mapped than our ocean floors and according to NASA we’ve only explored 5 to 15% of our oceans.